Friday, June 27, 2008


.ORPHANS..what a painfull word
......without parents.....let us join our hands 2 help those orphan children.......
comeon frendz Time doesn't wait for them..anything u do in life..nothing gives u this muchh of happiness..some hav no parents..~some hav never xperienced LOVE..with anyone{incl their parents}so,jst spend few minutes with,talk freely....n let them atleast smile cin ur face..which happens once or twice in their life time{after tht u may forget who they r..but they can never forget who ur..that is LOVE..giv them whtever U can..there r many kids like this..whom we even dont know..try for them n giv some shelter n food rather than givin them money or join them in some orphanage{atleast do this..if u r unable to..aid society will takecare of them}{by doin such small help dont u think ur givin them life?once they r into orphanage..they will b safe..but finding such ones and analysing them is rather this busy life..RITE?Let'TRY..
Time doesn't wait for anything................

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